Presentation Software:

There are many types of presentation software out on the market that will fulfill your needs and wants. In this page you will find some of the well known presentation software and understand how they differ, compare and tips and information about each of them.

Top 5:

1) PowerPoint
2) Adobe Flash
3) Open Office Impress
4) Apple Keynote
5) Adobe Photoshop


This image look familiar?, Bet it does. PowerPoint is the most used presentation software as it is used by students, teachers, business workers, trainers and general public.
With PowerPoint you can make speeches easier and more enjoyable for the audience. Not only that but PowerPoint works on both Apple computers (The 2008 version) and also on Microsoft computers as well.
Microsoft PowerPoint is apart of the Microsoft office bundle and is manufactured by Microsoft.

Adobe Flash:

Adobe flash or formerly known as Macromedia Flash is used for mainly animation based things, which then can be used for videos and to interact with web pages.
You will most likely use Adobe Flash with most Internet games and videos and works on most operating systems.
You can also download different types of adobe flash software at there website were some are for free and others are purchasable:

Open Office Impress:

Open office impress is a presentation software made by Sun Mircosystems.
This software is almost like Microsofts Powerpoint but with more features such as being able to save in different formats such as PDF, PowerPoint and flash systems.
This software can also be found on their website and downloaded for free:

 Apple Keynote:

As you can tell Apple Keynote is developed by Apple. Thus being developed by Apple, Keynote can be used on Macs, iPod touch, iPhone and iPads.
Keynote presentations can be saved in other formats such as PDF, PowerPoint, JPEGS, Quicktime, Flash, HMTL and others.
Keynote can be purchased from Apples website on:

Adobe Photoshop:

Adobe photoshop is a graphic designing/editing software which is compatiable on both Mac's and Windows systems.
This software gives you the ability to enhance, erase, copy and paste and change original videos and photos to the usres liking.
This software can be purchased on their website:
